
Grand opening!

Filed under: All that jazz

Yeah, finnally! The new layout is done. And look at that: I now have a blog. Woot woot!
I had to post-poned the grand re-opening because I had a big blog bug (say that 3 times very fast!), but now it’s all fixed and everything is working properlly. Well at least I hope…

To celebrate the new layout, I uploaded some new custom content (click “downloads” on the left menu), a screenshot section and a tips, trick and cheats section. This means that my content for the original game (aka Sims 1) is no longer available, and that both my domains are merged together and dedicated to the sims 2.

So now, relax, enjoy and please, tell me if anything isn’t working properly by sending me a mail at SimsProjects2(at)free.fr. You know how it is, even after checking 3 times, some mistakes always find their ways here or there.

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